If you’re looking for the best way to make slime we have easy ways to make fluffy, crunchy, edible, soft or any other type. Using contact solution, glue, soap or you can even make slime without glue even.

How to make slime you might ask?? Well….there are a lot of opinions and answers to that question for sure!! Last year marked the beginning of the slime craze and my girls were no exception. My youngest has and still is somewhat obsessed with the ooey gooey sticky stuff and makes different recipes depending on her mood. lol. (affiliate links present)
How to Make Slime
You can see one of her videos on how to make slime with glue below. It is a simple science experiment really where there is an activator normally using contact lens solution or borax to stiffen school glue into a pliable mush that is fun to play with.
We have several slime without borax recipes too, safety is key. You should always watch children if chemicals are involved in the making of these.
Table of contents
Safe Slime Recipes
If she has a spare moment she is always experimenting to see if she can make a new version she can share with all of you. 😉
- Add food coloring to any of them to adjust the look.
- If it is sticky, add more contact solution a little bit at a time.
Several are below (you can see her too) so you can try them too and find the one you love the best. The Typical Kid is sure to create others too so subscribe to our newsletter in order to get them sent to you via email when she does.
- As always when it comes to children and experimenting with slime you need to always be present as a parent, please read our safety disclosure before trying any of our (or fellow bloggers) recipes.
- I suggest kids wearing gloves in case of possible allergies. This also makes clean up easier too.
Like I said, there are tons of recipes for slime out there and most of them vary just a bit in regards to the slime ingredients you will need.
Slime Recipes for Kids
For the most part though slime for kids recipes will be made with a combination of the following item(s):
- Mixing bowl for your glue mixture
- White glue – if they do a lot of experimenting just buy a gallon of Elmers glue or clear comes out a bit different but cool, just more expensive (see below pic.)
- glitter glue is really fun too and has color in it already
- Saline solution. Use more or less depending on your desired consistency. More for a stiffer slime
- Foaming hand soap
- Liquid starch – this is what we use
- Liquid laundry detergent – Tide is the best for our 2 ingredient laundry detergent slime recipe below
- Drops of food coloring – totally optional, I prefer she doesn’t use it to keep it off my carpet and furniture
- Shaving cream
- Small items – beads, mini google eyes, fake snow, etc… can be added for texture and look
- Borax solution can be made with a cup of water – you need to be VERY careful with this. Only adults should handle this
Homemade Slime Recipes
Here are the different ways to make slime we’ve created so far and some from a few of our favorite bloggers too. Use one or more of these and then read on to see how to throw a slime birthday party…so fun!!
- The Recipe For Slime
- 2 Ingredient Laundry Detergent Slime
- How to make slime glow in the dark
- Clay Slime Recipe – what kids call butter slime
- Christmas Slime – No borax
- Slime Made with Shaving Cream
- Scented slime
- Honey Slime
- Birthday Cake Slime
- Superhero Slime
- 3 Ingredient Fluffy Slime
- Easy Baking Soda Slime
During the holidays you can get really creative and add little treasures inside your slime to make it fun for Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas or otherwise.
- There are a few ideas below that are themed like that. Of course the sky is kinda’ the limit to what you can add and the colors you can create.
Take one of these and alter it to you or your child’s slime preference, but the basic slime recipe will remain the same.
Best Slime Recipe
Recipes for Slime
Most of the fun in making slime is the experimentation process. Of course it is fun to play with it when it becomes super soft or see thru but not as fun as if they get to be part of the creation process…keeping in mind you should be present for it to ensure safety at all times.
- DIY Valentine Slime
- Green Monster Slime
- Stretchy Homemade Slime
- Homemade Play Goo
- St. Patrick’s Day Slime
- New Year’s Eve Glitter Slime
- Harry Potter Pond Slime
- Easy Mermaid Slime
- DIY Shark Slime
- Contact Solution Fluffy Slime
- Birthday Cake Confetti Slime
- How To Make Edible Slime
Edible slime was on my daughter’s list to make, and she created a few here. They all have different textures and the more she massaged it the stiffer it got so each batch was a different consistency.
- A great way to make edible slime is to use something that will melt, like gummy bears, Starburst candies or other goodies and powdered sugar usually does the trick to make it less sticky.
Follow the recipes above but think of it as a substitute for flour when baking. It works really well for that and of course is edible as well.
No Borax Slime
- No Borax Glitter Slime
- Avalanche Slime
- Easy Bubble Slime
- Green Bug Slime
- Glitter Galaxy Slime
- Green DIY Slime
- DIY Flubber
- Soft Slime
There are many no borax slime recipes here and suggested for younger children especially.
Keep in mind that there is a bit of borax inside other items in much smaller forms, like the contact lens solution and laundry detergent do have trace amounts and that is why they work to stiffen up the other materials and create the perfect slime.
Actual borax is not safe for children to touch at all and will burn their skin if they touch it and it isn’t washed off immediately, so do not allow them to handle it if that is the slime recipe you choose to try with them.
Some of these are great sensory activities like the water bead slime and others. Really, the best way to make slime is subjective and the answer lies with your and your child’s personal preference…and don’t stop at trying just one.
This ultimate list of slime recipes has 50 and we will continue to add more as time goes on.
During the summertime my kids get really creative and the older they get I love involving them in the blogging process so each year The Typical Kids will have more to share for sure so stay tuned. 😉
- Vampire Slime
- Fluffy Snow Slime
- Gingerbread Slime
- Saline Solution Fluffy Slime
- Saline Slime
- Liquid Glass Slime
- Homemade Floam