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Teaching Teens to Drive Safe

Tips for teaching teens to drive safe on the road and what distractions can be easily avoided. What to talk about before they get behind the wheel.

Teen Driving Contract

Yes it’s that time in our house. Our oldest just turned 16 and will soon be behind the wheel. Before placing her foot on the pedals though there is a lot that goes into teaching teens to drive safe that you can do right at the kitchen table. I mean having discussions about the dangers of becoming distracted when driving.

There are so many dangerous distractions nowadays, many more than when I was 16 I would say. Those need to be talked about…at length! Here are a few ways to approach the topic and statistics to use when having those discussions with your teenager.

I only knew a few people who even owned one, they were HUGE, and really expensive.

Now you can see first graders with cell phones. It’s just a way of life (an appendage to some) and a huge danger when it comes to driving. The main culprit for teens becoming distracted while driving, and adults too…let’s be honest.

teaching teens to drive safely

Use tools when talking to your teen about driving and what to avoid in order to have a safer experience. Agreements can be helpful as well, we have one below you can use. Of course as parents “we don’t know anything”, but as they get older they believe us.

Sometimes seeing it from “someone else” and in black and white it makes more of an impression. Statistics show that those under 20 were the most likely to be distracted on the road, and that just scares me.

At 16 I know she thinks she is invincible. I also know that I have raised her to be cautious and not do “what everyone else is doing”. Although I know I will worry forever about her and my other 2 daughters I know arming her with as much information and statistics showing what distractions while driving are dangerous I can hope she hears me.

I Promise Driving Contract

If you’d like to download our teen driving contract you can do so here too.

16 year old driving contract

Model proper behavior – They’re watching! You need to practice what you preach when it comes to safe driving. Make sure your phone is out of reach (no looking down to see who texted you) while you’re driving.

Don’t answer the phone when you’re behind the wheel unless you use your Bluetooth. This is huge when it comes to the impression you give your teenager. Actions definitely speak louder than words in this case.

Utilizing contracts regarding safe driving with your teenager sometimes helps to have somewhere to start. 😉

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