If you have a new driver in the house you might appreciate this teen driving contract for a 16 year old. A free printable to get you started so everyone knows the rules. Now they can promise to agree to a few do’s and don’t.

I can’t believe it is that time for us already but we have a teenage driver in the house! To be sure we were both on the same page I created this teen driving contract. If you’re in the same life stage, I thought I would share it with you. Sponsored by Allstate. (affiliate links present)
Parent Teen Driving Contract
Ok so I am a worry wart but teaching teens to drive safe is a big deal. My oldest daughter waited a bit longer than most. At 17 she got her license and it was time for her to really get behind the wheel….by herself….. You just can’t be too careful I say, especially when your teenager starts to drive. It’s one of the important conversations with teens you need to have.
She is a very conservative person in general. I don’t really worry about but the thoughts of “what if……” enter your mind around this time.
Let’s just admit it…parenting is hard. Especially when you need to let go a little bit. We will start with how we can prepare ourselves and our teen when they start to drive.
What are the benefits of drivers ed?
Most states require it in order for a 16 year old to get their license. Some schools provide the class where others don’t so you have to find a location outside of school hours to learn and pass the test. Learning the rules of the road with others their same age is yes important. It is the best way for them to start on this overwhelming journey.
Can your parents teach you to drive instead of an instructor?
That depends on the state you live in. Here in Idaho the parent can be the driving instructor and sign off when they have completed their 6 hours behind the wheel. Others like California don’t have that option. Either way almost every state requires teenagers to pass a test with an instructor to show they understand the rules of the road before they can be issued their license.
How many driving lessons a week is best?
Check with the state you live in to see how many hours are required. I think it is best to have them drive at least 1 hour each week consistently, more is better. Short distances to the store are helpful, time at night, and on the freeway will give them practice in different environments.
Here are other things to think about too, and steps you should take to prepare…….
- If you’re going to purchase a car for them, decide on your budget first. Then research the right vehicle for young drivers.
- Have the car they are driving inspected, so you can try to avoid any mechanical issues from happening.
Parent Teen Driving Agreement
- Add them to your car insurance.
- Here’s a resource for teen driver discounts as well as what’s the best insurance for young drivers.
- Ask them if they think they’re ready. Don’t assume they are just because they passed the test), if not you can:
- Drive with them for the first time on the freeway.
- Start with very short distances when driving by themselves to increase their confidence. We did this with several trips to the grocery store at the corner).
- Take a walk around and inside the car they are driving and show them all the ins and outs. Where the spare is, where the proof of ins. card is, how to adjust the seat/mirrors.
Are you ready?? I know, it’s a bit scary but you should talked at length about “what to do if ________ happens”. Then they will feel confident then something occurs.
16 Year Old Teen Driving Contract PDF
Print out this teen driving contract printable, discuss it, and both sign it. (can write anything other specifics on the back)