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What to do with Christmas Cards

Great tip on what to do with Christmas cards once the season is over. Free tip on what to do after you take down your holiday cards and how to do it.

what to do with christmas cards

So…’s after the holidays and it is time to take down all the wonderful Christmas cards, but it pains you to throw them away. What should you do with them??? I have a few ideas. 😉 (affiliate links present)

  • The holiday season is great for so many reasons. We take a new professional family photo each year and turn it into a canvas to hang on the wall. We then use that same picture for our personalized holiday cards.

Since 2011 I have saved the Christmas cards I’ve received in an accordion file. It is fun to look back at them when I put in the next year’s cards. Especially when you have kids, it is amazing and nostalgic to look back over the years and see how your kids and others have grown.

christmas card ideas

This is just one idea on how you can save them and create a sort of photo album of the people in your life. It doesn’t take up much space to do so. I think I bought this on sale at Michael’s, but I am sure other places like Walmart would have small files like this too.

Even an empty shoe box would do if you didn’t want to buy anything. Just use a gallon ziploc back with the year on the outside and put them in a box. Make sure to mark it Christmas cards on the outside so you don’t forget what’s in there. 😉

  • A third way to save them is the punch a hole in the corner and use a round metal ring to thread them through.
  • Then put them all in a box and year to year add a new ring of cards to your box. Take them out over the years and they’ll be all together for each year.
christmas cards
  • What are other ideas you can do with all of these smiling faces other than store them away to be admired year after year??

Well, I like using them on my phone for my contacts! First read how to take the best pictures with your cell phone, and then read on.

It is much nicer to see a wonderful face looking back at you when you look at your phone. You can not only see who it is but enjoy the nice photo along with it!! Yes….most phones will allow you to upload an image and attach it to a person’s phone number.

So when family members and friends call it shows their picture! Photo christmas cards have great images of your friends and family to use for that!!


This is what you do:

  • Take a picture of the person on the card front they sent to you
  • Go to Contacts
  • Click on the name of the person you want to attach an image to
  • Click edit on the top rt., then it will say choose photo like you see below.
  • Click that and then touch the photo in your image library you want to appear
  • Their photo will then appear next to their name.
  • Now every time they call that pic. will show up!!

It’s a great way to actually use recycled cards versus just throwing them away after one look.


Hope that was a fun tip on what to do with Christmas cards for you. Here are a few ideas to make Christmas card holders too. Enjoy your friends and family’s images all year long this way. 😉

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Saturday 3rd of January 2015

That is really a neat idea! We drove through Temecula twice the summer before last on the way from Hemet to Oceanside. I'm an Okie, so it was such a wonderful trip to the ocean!

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