How to make a home organization binder is genius and so easy to do! Once you have this prepared you can print all 12 monthly organization printables we offer here to fill it up and clean one room at a time one month at a time all year long.
I like things organized. Maybe it’s the Teacher in me, but when I’ve purged what isn’t needed anymore, and organized everything that is left I feel a sigh of relief. I created monthly organization printables this year to help me to do this, and help you as well! Here’s how easy it was to create and what you’ll need to make one yourself! (affiliate links present)
Ultimate Home Organization Binder
You can see my home organization binder here above, turned to my month of February cleaning checklist. I love being able to check off what I’ve done so I knew what was left to do during that month.
Since they’re in sheet protectors I can wipe it off at the end of the month using a wet erase marker, and it’s ready for next year when that month arrived again! You should’ve seen this before I did a bit of linen closet organization!!! (gasp)
Organization Binder
I started with a January cleaning and purging list and after so many people asked in February for the next rooms to tackle I just kept going and here we are today….with one for each month of the year (okay in the Summer I lump a few months together to give you a break.
The idea of the home organization binder is to get you started on ALL of those things you try to avoid…but really need to be done, like cleaning out your refrigerator too!
What you Need to Make an Organized Home Binder
Important information you will want to include and how to reuse pages over and over again.
- Print out all of these Monthly organization printables
- Or you can download my free ebook with all 12 months of home organizing broken down into sections, linked at top of post.
- If you just want to start 1 at a time go ahead and print the first January purge checklist and get started. 😉
- An emergency contact sheet
- Bank account information page for emergencies
- if you’d rather keep these last two separate in a fire box you could but nice to have everything in one place…just in case….
- You might want a binder printable page with all family members birthdays on it (though I save those in my phone nowadays)
- A paper with all your password logins printable may be important to you, especially if you do online banking or have an online business someone else may have to take over.
- Some like to keep chore charts for kids and/or meal planning sheets / grocery lists inside too.
Then comes how to store them and write on them over and over again each year…..
What You Need to Create a Household Binder
- 1″ 3 ring binder
- Sheet protectors
- Wet erase markers
- Baby wipes work great to wipe your marks clean, or a damp paper towel
Just slide each month inside the sheet protector, mark off what you’ve done and keep track of what is left. It has been a huge help in my home and family to have everything in one place. Call it a family binder if you will that has all details to manage your home, cleaning schedules, family life important info and weekly meals you love in it.
Easy right??!! Ready for some garage organization too this month? Add that one in there once you’re done so you can touch up the next year too.
Home Management Binder
Since I created and provided you with free printables to help you organize it isn’t expensive at all to create! Less than $15 total for all the supplies and you can use it year after year….you may already have a few of these things at home already.
Here are a few other house cleaning printables you can use too and include in your binder:
- Spring cleaning checklist is more condensed
- Printable monthly calendar pages are nice to schedule out when you are going to accomplish everything
This is the first time that I’ve been on your site. All I can say is WOW! I could spend all day just reading all the printables and organizational tips. I first checked out your recipes for the week. I am not much of a cook BUT I can see that I need to buy an Instant Pot! I bought one before but returned it because it was too overwhelming for me. With your easy to use instructions, I should get the hang of it in no time. You’ve made my life so much easier and better. I can’t thank you enough!
Thanks, hope I can help more
This is so helpful for me to stay on track, organized and not get overwhelmed. Thank you so much for these printables and binder ideas. I really appreciate it.