Here are lots of tips, tricks, and hacks on how to organize your house with items from The Dollar Store. Inexpensive ways to organize every room and rotate things that are important for each season, as well as toys.

Every new year yields a huge purge from me in every room, and finding ways to organize any way I can. With three kids it’s nice to have a place for everything and helps find things too. From the laundry room, to the kitchen, to organizing kid’s School papers, I’ve come up with some simple hacks on how to organize your house as well as sharing other bloggers ideas that have made my life simpler! Find more organization printables here too (originally published 12/15)
Table of Contents
How do I start organizing my home
Start with printing out a few house cleaning checklists. I share some linen closet organization tips here just using pillow cases first. It has saved me SO much time! You should’ve seen it before!! I didn’t want to spend any money so I used what I had which were pillow cases to organize the sheets and keep them organized according to the bed it belonged to.
Instead of a stack of pillow cases we needed to rifle through to find the matching one they were now all together and you just grab one thing and you’re ready to go.
How to Organize Your Home
Start with the worst rooms in the house, your kids!! I mean let’s be honest they are all little monsters that don’t care how much is on the floor, drives me nuts.
- Organizing kids rooms helps them see what they have, and rotating their toys helps turn their old toys “new” again too.
- All of our kids have way too many stuffed animals, small electronic devices, Legos, and clothing that is only appropriate for one season out of the year.
- Especially if you live in an area where it snows you are probably used to rotating closets. But you should do that with your children’s toys too.
- They enjoy them so much more if you do!
How to Organize a Room with too Much Stuff
Once again we are talking about the kids rooms. You can use cheap bins with lids and mark them with a sharpie for this. It doesn’t have to be fancy y’all. Lowes and Home Depot bins like these are a few dollars. Use those and over the years you can upgrade to others that are prettier if you want.
- Along with these ideas are those for LEGOs specifically and how to organize them for less.
- Thx Little Bins for Little Hands has some great ideas on how to organize those little pieces so they don’t end up in the vacuum or all over the floor all the time and it’s cheap to do.
How to Organize your Home on a Budget
Even if you are having a great month it is best to save a dollar, or more right. Speaking of that take full advantage of your local Dollar Store!! They usually have tons of bins that are just $1 you can use, label, and they look pretty darn good. Stack in the closet and you can see exactly where everything is, other than on the ground.
- Organizing small toys throughout the house can be a hassle, here is a good way to organize small toys and trinkets by Preschool ToolKit. Keeping toys organized isn’t just for your benefit.
- When kids can see what they have they are more likely to play with and enjoy them as well.
- Work with them to organize them into like toys, that is a good learning activity too. Have a truck bin, a car bin, a Lego bin, and let them decide where each thing belongs.
How to Organize Paperwork
First you need to purge. Bills that have been paid should be shredded and discarded. Only share really important artwork and school items for each child.
- Staying with the kid theme, organizing School work can be helpful so you aren’t overwhelmed with all the papers but still want to keep them in good shape in order to save them for when they grow up. I started this school organization binder when my oldest was in Kindergarten and I am so glad that I did now that I have three girls now!
- I highly recommend getting this School Years Keepsake Book for each child.
- It has you document the most important facts about them each year on the designated page, has a spot for their school picture, and a pocket at the top of each page for very important keepsakes.
- This and more are shared in organizing school work post.
How to Organize the Laundry Room
- On to laundry tips. Thank goodness I tackled this years ago and found how to organize laundry room and save me a ton of time!
- Maybe it’s the former teacher in me but I like organization in a place that is generally a disaster. Having a place where things get hung up immediately after being dried it saves me tons of time. I would highly suggest putting a rod up.
- Want to organize your bathroom? Me too!!
How to Organize a Messy Office
We have one of those, and it is my husbands so that is worse. Doesn’t want me to do it but takes forever for him to tackle it. First thing we did was get all the passwords in the right place so they didn’t get lost. A calendar is a lifesaver too in order to stay on task.
- Organizing your office is important when you’re figuring out how to organize your house. It can get out of control. It’s not just the papers and desk items, but organizing all the passwords you have can be tremendously helpful!
- I don’t know about you but I have a lot of passwords. Sometimes they won’t let you use one you’ve already used.
- When you have to change it to something you won’t remember, writing it down is important.
- You can also use something online called Dashlane that stores all your passwords securely online once you enter them once and you’re set.
- Another helpful way to organize your office is to use a printable calendar. I have to write things down! Even if they’re in my phone with a reminder I like looking to see what is coming up.
How to Organize a Small Closet
- Let’s move to the kitchen!! Here are some inexpensive ways to organize that cluttered pantry of yours thx to Interior Fun.
- The Budget Decorator has a clever idea here to organize other things in your kitchen like this and more!
- Decorating your small space has a great tutorial on making a peg board to organize your crafts!
Want more space? Turn your bedroom into a closet!
How to Store Seasonal Clothes
- If you live where it snows here are some ideas on keeping winter gear organized by Busy Kids Happy Mom. We used to live in CA so this wasn’t an issue. Now that we live in Idaho, there is a huge difference in the way you have to store clothing.
- Unless you have a massively huge closet you won’t be able to store everything together.
- Rotating your Winter and Summer clothes is key. This is one way to store sweaters, hats, gloves, and long sleeved shirts.
- Then organize your pantry using these labels!
- Another way we do it is we bought this rolling coat cart and put all of our coats on it and put it in our basement storage area so if there is a strangely cold day we can still grab a coat but during the typically warmer months they aren’t clogging up our closet space.