Free Thanksgiving scavenger hunt printable here as well as a word search and placemat coloring printables too. Holiday printable scavenger hunt fun that costs nothing.

It is fun to do a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt when you have a group of friends or family. Use cell phones to document their finds and have prizes for winners. Just one of many holiday printables on The Typical Mom blog. (linking to program, affiliate links present)
Thanksgiving Games
This is the time of year when we get together with Grandparents and laugh to our hearts content. You might enjoy a movie together but if you’re spending all day as a group you will probably need games too. We have a bunch of free ideas you can take advantage of for all ages.
Have family gatherings where kids that will want to join in on the fun? No problem. Any of these can be modified to be really easy or more difficult for adults.
You can start with oldies but goodies like our Thanksgiving word search or Thanksgiving bingo pages.
Print as many as you like or if you think you’ll save them in your holiday box and play year after year, laminate them! Using wet erase markers and wipes you can make it a yearly game. Nobody will remember year to year what the answers are and bingo always changes every time.
If you are only looking for the free printable sheet for Thanksgiving day you see above you can just stick to that one too. It is best if you put everyone into small groups with one person who has a cell phone. That way they can document as they go and show the judge at the very end.
Scavenger Hunt for Thanksgiving PDF
- You can print your printable Thanksgiving scavenger hunt here.
Have small prizes and presents for men they can choose from at the end for fun. You can even have white elephant choices that are funny. This one can be good for November birthday party games too.
I mean why not incorporate it into that. My middle daughter is a turkey baby so she gets the best of both worlds sortaspeak. Our Thanksgiving placemats are great to keep little hands busy during the day too.
I remember when my girls were little and there were cousins that same age it was like corralling cats on that day. If you wanted to talk to one another you had to have something they could do on their own without help. Those days were exhausting but at this stage boy do I ever miss them being that little.
Free Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt
It is necessary to have a little adult time too with relatives so anything free and simple I could pull out that they could enjoy was fantastic. This was one I always had on hand for all of them in the house.
Make it extra fun with crayons of course but let them use washable markers too as a treat. I mean the smelly kind are even better and you’ll be the cool aunt for this if you go the extra mile. You can use them with our Christmas scavenger hunt printable too.