Free Minecraft color by number printables for kids are here. Hidden picture sheets are fun to do for boys and girls. Great free Minecraft birthday party ideas.

We have 9 different Minecraft color by number printables here for you. Great for Minecraft birthday parties to save you money or decorate their rooms. Staple together to make a coloring book on rainy days. Just one of many color by number free printables on our site. (affiliate links present)
Color by Number Minecraft
Aren’t these hidden picture printables fun?? You look at it now and you’d think it’s just a bunch of boxes and letters but you can crack the code easily with the key at the top. Use 8 colors, three shades of green, two shades of brown and the classic Mine craft colors to reveal it. Even young kids can figure it out but adults have fun too.
Since you’re here I know you are looking for all the free printables for kids you can find. I add more each week so make sure you bookmark the blue link above and check back often.
First you should subscribe to our free newsletter below to get more via. email too. Feel free to print one or as many as you like for rainy day activities that boys and girls will all enjoy! Here are our favorite items to use on coloring pages, word searches and color by number printables;
- Smencils colored pencils are by far the most fun and vibrant shades ever.
- With kids I prefer that they have a smaller box of crayons so there are fewer choices, but enough. ๐
Minecraft Pixel Art
We have two other versions that looks like this on our color by number Mario and Harry Potter Pixel Art posts. Pixel art is all the rage now!
If you’re throwing a Minecraft birthday party and looking for games and activities that cost you nothing, you’re in luck. You can choose from 8 different pages or print all of them for your guests. Need rainy day activities at your house? This is great for that as well when they’ve reached their video game time limit. ๐
Each features classic Minecraft characters or items like swords etc.. If there is a specific one you or your child wants you can print just that one. All you do is click on the blue link below. Then instead of hitting the printer image icon at the top right you hit print instead. Then change ALL to custom and then enter the page number you’d like.
It is a great party gift too. You can print them all, staple together and make a coloring book out of it of sorts. Attach a pack of crayons to it and let them continue the fun at home.
Hidden Picture Printable
Time needed: 5 minutes
Minecraft Printables
- Print
Use our link here to print as many of the free Minecraft printables we have here. There are many hidden pictures available to choose from.
- Color
Use crayons or colored pencils following the code at the top of the page correctly to reveal the image.
Minecraft Coloring Pages
Like I said, we have a lot of fun coloring pages on our site with other favorite characters like Star Wars coloring squared or if you want some math coloring pages we have a bunch of those too. They can practice math facts with addition, subtraction or multiplication with our;
- Thanksgiving color by number
- And for harder problems give our adult color by number pages a whirl, they feature algebra problems