If your little one loves what they call butter slime here is how to make it with this easy daiso clay slime recipe. Clay is the secret ingredient that makes this slime so soft and pliable. Choose your favorite color and you can even make this a scented butter slime too. Easy video tutorial from The Typical Kid included.

If you have a child you are probably all too familiar with slime recipes. My youngest has been experimenting for years and has now created this clay slime recipe using daiso clay the kids are talking about and want to share how she made it with all of you. It’s the softest slime you’ll ever make she says and is her favorite and best way to make slime so far. (affiliate links present)
How to Make Clay Slime
Here’s a quick look at her showing you step by step how to make this butter slime with daiso clay and then we will explain it to you below and show you where to buy what you need.
Here’s a video showing you how she made it:
So first of all with any and all of our slime recipes you always need parental supervision while they’re experimenting, please refer to our safety disclaimer.
I know, there are soft slime recipes out there, shaving cream slime which she thought was fun, and the list goes on and on.
This one is made with clay, daiso clay to be specific. She made it with model magic as well last year and enjoyed that but this is the “new thing” that kids are asking for. There is no borax needed to make this so it is safer than others.
Clay slime
- Daiso clay
- Lotion
- Foaming hand soap
- White glue
- Water
- Liquid starch
Clay Slime Recipe for Smooth Butter Slime
Unlike some other slime recipes she recommends just mixing until it reaches the consistency you are desiring. Every child likes it slimier or stickier than others, and some like it quite stiff. She explains it well in the video to start with the amount of butter slime you want to make with the amount of glue you pour into your bowl and mix from there.
If you want it firmer then add more liquid starch.
If you want it stickier and thinner then add a bit more glue. And you go from there……I think the reason kids love slime so much is the experimentation aspect of it.
Going from liquids to a somewhat solid, then adding ingredients and watching it solidify more and more as they include more of this and less of that.
It’s a great science experiment actually, but of course you should be there to supervise and children need to wash their hand after playing with this or any other slime before doing anything else.
If they love this butter clay slime recipe they might enjoy a few others my children have created, and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for additional slime recipes.
Clay Slime
- 1 Bowl
- 1 foaming hand soap
- 1 hand lotion
- 1 liquid starch
- 1 water
- 1 glue
- 3/4 c glue
- 2 tbsp water
- 5 pumps foaming hand soap
- 1/8 c liquid starch or more to firm it up
- 1 pkg Daiso clay
- 4 squirts lotion
- Watch video in post first. Rundown is to add glue, water, foaming hand soap in a bowl and stir. Pour in liquid starch and knead, if it's too sticky add 1 tbsp more at a time until it is the right consistency.
- Squirt hand lotion on daiso clay and press into slime mixture. Knead with hands until it expands and gets buttery soft.
- Store in an airtight container or baggie.