If you’re a coupon mama or looking for couponing tips for busy moms here are some new ways of saving money at the grocery store! Whether you’re an expert couponer or beginner we will help you get started and save a ton.

couponing tips
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I came up with these couponing tips for busy moms almost 10 years ago when I had my 2nd daughter and I wanted to quit my job and be a stay at home mom for a while. I knew I needed to find ways of saving money at the grocery store to make up the difference, since I wouldn’t have my income for a while. Even before then I clipped coupons, but going from 2 to 1 income would mean I would have to be more diligent about it and find other ways of budgeting in order to buy what we needed. Sponsored by Visa. (originally published 8/15)

I will say that couponing has changed a lot over the years, and I have adjusted this post over the years because of it.

When I had my 1st daughter every store doubled, or sometimes tripled coupons…..those days are long gone.

BUT there are many other places to find them other than just the Sunday newspaper which is nice. I love free digital grocery coupons especially when I can earn free gift cards just by downloading, printing, and using them at the grocery store. It’s the BEST!!

Couponing tips for moms

  • Don’t be a brand snob – When saving the most money at the grocery store you really need to find coupons for food your family normally eats, but be open to buying whatever brand you have a coupon for.
    • If you eat a lot of yogurt and the only coupons you have are for a specific brand, buy that brand this time (you never know you might find that you like it better).
    • There are exceptions to this rule! If there is something that is important to you like you only eat organic dairy & meat (this is our exception), then you do not make exceptions on those specific items….but in general, be open to a variety of brands in order to cut your grocery bill dramatically.
  • Organize your savings – Keep all your coupons in a folder or box. Over the years I’ve transitioned to this one because longer coupons fit better
    • In the past I just used a mini file folder box with index card organizers from an office supply store, that’s easy to do. There are several pockets so when you enter the store you have them categorized by the aisles in the store, this will help minimize the amount of time it takes to find the items you’re looking for.
    • Always put the most recent coupons in the back of each category so you keep the ones that are likely to expire in front, you’ll want to use them first.

If you have a coupon but the item is NOT on sale, then compare the store or other brands to see if the coupon really gets you the best deal.

coupon mom tips

Wait for sales/shop clearance aislesFind the clearance /”managers special” spot in your grocery store, there are always one or two! They almost always have loaves of bread, bakery items, and items that are not going to be sold any longer in the back of the store (usually in the hallway leading to the restrooms or back room of the store). Shop there first!

How to start couponing

  • Especially if you are cooking a meal that night it is a great place to find that loaf of french bread you’ll need for your spaghetti dish…then find the sale area in the meat dept. and get your ground beef for the sauce!
    • I typically will keep a coupon if the item is NOT on sale, and wait until my next trip to see if it is (unless I really need it then I will make an exception). Your best deals are when an item is on sale AND you have a coupon for it…that’s your goal!
    • I typically shop with a few meals for that week in mind, however if more than one of the needed ingredients in those dishes aren’t on sale, I’ll change gears and make that meal another time when the needed items are a bargain. You have to be flexible, here’s my list of cheap Instant Pot recipes if you need inexpensive meal ideas. 😉
  • Use a variety of couponing sources- You shouldn’t just think of inserts in the Sunday paper when you think of coupons, that is just the beginning.
    • Always look at the coupons the register spits out at checkout and save the ones you’ll use on your next trip.

Also, print out free digital grocery coupons online like the ones here ! You just click and print them out from home right on your own printer before you hit the store….super easy!! Combine all 3 resources and you’ll be set!!

coupon mom tips

How to save money with coupons

  • Leave the kids at home – If you can possibly help it avoid grocery shopping with kids. Leave your kids if possible. If you don’t have a relative nearby to watch them then swap with a friend. Yes we love them, and yes they find such wonderful products there but you catch my drift.
    • Although these tips are simple they do take some concentration and focus. As patient as they might be that day it is still more difficult if you take your kids along. 😉
  • Stick to a budget – Sit down beforehand and figure out what you can spend each week, then you can keep that amount in mind when you go to the store.
  • Pay attention at the register – This is when I always ask. When a price is different than what I saw, I speak up.

By no means am I an “Extreme Couponer”.

It is very possible to save a ton of money when buying groceries. Just know the 5 things you should never pay full price for and use online resources like Amazon Fresh too.

coupon mom tips

About Justine

Justine is the creative mind behind The Typical Mom and The Typical Family on YouTube. She began blogging about easy recipes, budget friendly activities for kids, and fun family travel destinations in September 2012.

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  1. I love this list. Outlining has changed in the past co u old of years and I’m always looking to save as much as I can. Thanks foe sharinf

  2. Great article! Thank you for your tips! I definitely am a brand snob but for the sake of saving money I am flexible! Look forward to reading more!

  3. Don’t be a brand snob is definitely a big one for me!

    Thanks for joining in with this months #FabulouslyFrugal x x