Tanaka Farms watermelon tour and farm in Orange County is great! Visit this organic farm where you can pick strawberries and this big fruit too! Tanaka Farms is a fun family friendly activity for all ages.

Have you visited Tanaka Farms in Irvine yet??!! If you haven’t it is a really cool experience. All year long they have different events because each new season brings new vegetables and fruits. Take a peek at the Tanaka Farms watermelon tour we took recently. Special thanks to them for sponsoring our visit.
Tanaka Farms Tours
This was SO much fun for the kids, and yummy for all of us. We visited Tanaka Farms a few months earlier to take part in their Cook-Out Tour and pick strawberries there too which was fun.
Watermelon tours are during the summertime and yes everyone gets to take a home a watermelon after tasting fresh vegetables picked right from the farm.
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Watermelon Picking Farm
Once your tour starts you all hop on to a seat like this that pulled by a tractor…now that’s fun itself! Along the way they stop and pass out freshly picked and rinsed off veggies like carrots, cilantro, sweet corn on the cob, and tomatoes.
What is there to do at Tanaka Farms?
Pick vegetables and fruits!! It’s a great way to get your kids to try new things because they’re uber cool picked right out of the ground! Then there’s a shaded area where they cut fresh fruits right in front of you and pass them out to taste.
Another opportunity to taste new fruits and veggies like cucumbers, and yellow watermelon at Tanaka Farms!
How much does it cost to visit Tanaka Farms?
It used to be free when we went time and time again. Now they include activities into your admission so it is $20 dollars Monday – Friday morning. Prices increase after noon Friday thru the weekend to $22 per person to visit.
What does the admission include at Tanaka Farm?
When you pay your entrance fee it will include a guided wagon ride around their vegetable and fruit growing thirty acre farm. You sit on a bench in a trailer pulled by a tractor so it is authentic and a fun way to see a working farm in action. If you want to pick and take home produce that is an additional fee.
Tanaka Farms Watermelon Tour Review
Before you get back into the trailer you get your own watermelon to take home. To find out more about Tanaka Farms tours here but no reservation is necessary.
Just show up for some fun!! If you live in Southern California or Irvine I would highly recommend visiting this organic farm. They have lots to do, a market that is great and offers fresh baked goods, and is a gorgeous location to spend an afternoon.
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