Where to find no fee loans with no hidden costs to save you money. Fixed rates so you’ll be able to pay off high interest loans quicker!

Ok so I’m not perfect….I don’t think anyone is. I have had financial struggles over the years, had a large college loan that took me forever to pay off. We haven’t always had a balance in our savings account. I think we’ve all been there at some point in time have we not??!! When trying to find no fee loans I was kinda’ lost. Then I found the answer. Sponsored by Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs No Fee Loans
- Are you sick of getting fee’d to death when you’re looking for lower interest loans to pay off your high interest credit cards too??!!
I mean the whole point is to save money but many institutions charge fees for everything! Wouldn’t you love to get the full amount you’re approved for rather than it being cut short due to sign up fees. They do exist! A true NO fee loan IS out there thanks to Marcus by Goldman Sachs. I’m here to share it with you.
Sign-up fees are ridiculous! Imagine what life would be like if they were taken out of EVERYTHING?
It kinda feels like that sometimes doesn’t it?? When you’re getting a personal loan to pay off high interest credit cards, you should walk away with what you expected. It’s very disappointing and a bit frustrating as well if you don’t.
Many other lenders take up to 5% out of your loan for a sign-up fee (hefty)….but you don’t get fee’d with Marcus by Goldman Sachs.
Personal Loans with No Origination Fee
- Absolutely No sign up fees, get the full amount you’ve been approved for.
- No late fees (almost unheard), just pay the interest for the additional days.
- And No pre-payment fee for paying off your loan early (this should be a no brainer).
- Again, NO fees, Ever.
- Fixed rates throughout the term of the loan.
- Ability to choose your monthly payment date and payment to fit your budget.
- After making 12 or more consecutive monthly payments, you can defer one payment as long as you have made all your prior payments in full and on time. Marcus will waive any interest incurred during the deferral and extend your loan by one month.
Another thing, time. Because both of us are working full time, shuttling the kids around to school and after school activities, cooking, cleaning…oh and remembering to take care of myself.
I do just about everything online right now (including grocery shopping). If it’s not at my fingertips I’m probably going to throw in the towel. They make it really easy in this case. Finding a loan or mortgage should be no different.