Downtown Disney breakfast with Santa at Catal Restaurant was fabulous. Great family holiday experience and great food all around for the holidays.

This weekend my girls and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Downtown Disney and have breakfast with Santa at Catal Restaurant! It was such a special treat, and the food was AMAZING! Let us show you the fun we had, what we ate, and how you too can visit this fabulous place. Special thanks goes out to Gigasavvy for sponsoring this post so we could share our experience with you. ๐
Breakfast With Santa Catal Restaurant
- When we got to Catal Restaurant I recognized it as I had been there about 10 years earlier. A friend of mine was getting married and had the most amazing risotto and savory dish I had ever tasted!!
From then I was eager to try this downtown Disney breakfast. It had to be just as fantastic. Here’s just a peek of the holiday spirit we enjoyed while we were eating. ๐
We just can’t get enough hot cocoa, yummy food, and Christmas music this time of year!! The staff was very attentive and ready for visits with children at Catal Restaurant.
- Each child was given a stocking with their name on it and it had a simple holiday craft as well as a coloring book with crayons too….LOVE that as a Mom.
A full service hot cocoa cart came by with an Elf serving up the goodies….and then the food was served!!
Best Downtown Disney Restaurant
The food was served family style (large platters put on the table so everyone can take what and how much they would like), which is great with kids.
There was so much food we could barely keep it all on the table with the hot cocoa and juice they brought us earlier. Muffins, eggs, french toast, potatoes, and more were served but my favorite was the sausage!!
I don’t know what it was, but they were the most fabulous sausages I’ve ever had (we even took the leftovers home for breakfast tomorrow).
Breakfast with Santa Downtown Disney
About half way thru our meal Santa came out (a great looking one might I add, with a real beard and all). We had our own time where the kids could talk to him and the Catal Restaurant staff took a picture that printed out right then and there for me to take home.
That one’s going in a frame for this year!
When we were done there was milk, chocolate milk, cookies, and coffee to take with us! Not that we weren’t stuffed, but kids are always up for being topped off with some sweets and it was a nice end to our fabulous Saturday in Downtown Disney.
- You can make reservations to have breakfast with Santa in Downtown Disney too!