Use our printable scrabble tiles to play this fun and free hangman lunch box game for kids. It has everyone at the table talking! My kids and their friends love playing each day.

printable scrabble tiles
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We all remember lunch time at school and how we couldn’t wait to get out the door to eat with our friends, and play too! Sending in lunchbox notes and jokes is fun but I thought something a little more interactive would be fun so I came up with this fun and free lunch box game using your own or these printable Scrabble tiles!! Special thanks goes out to Tetra Pak for sponsoring our post today so I can share this fun lunch box activity and a few lunch box tips with you too. (originally published 10/17, affiliate links present)

Printable Scrabble Tiles

My kids and their friends love it!! It is easy for me to add a new hangman style message on the front. Then let them figure out what my message of the day is. 😉  Of course filling their lunchbox is another thing all together. We always want to send them with wholesome snacks, fruit, and drinks that won’t spoil so I will tell you my tricks on that too!

I came up with this fun reusable Scrabble lunch box game that my kids love. I have a free printable with the letters down below too in case you don’t want to use your pieces. It’s not only fun but educational too!

lunch box game 2

Here is my free hangman lunch box game for kids! Fun right??

The bag is reusable because using wet erase markers, you can then wipe it clean each morning with a damp paper towel and write a new clue for them to solve. My “little” ones are 9 and 10 so they are old enough to solve longer phrases, and I put a hint at the top with how many points the top row is as well.

Free Printable Scrabble Tiles

If you have a little one it is a great way to practice their spelling words too!  If you don’t have or want to use the actual pieces out of your Scrabble game just download and print these free printable scrabble tiles here!

Just put the amount of dashes in the word below, put the correct letters inside your baggie, zip it closed and put it in their lunch box each day…believe me they will love seeing what they new word of the day is!

I also have these free lunchbox notes AND lunch box jokes for kids printables you can include meal will be the coolest amongst their friends for sure!

printable scrabble tiles

Lunch Box Game

Now for packing lunches. Like I said, my girls are a bit older and make their own lunches. I make it easier on myself and them by purchasing drinks that do not need to be refrigerated because many times items come back home and if they must be kept cold and aren’t they are ruined = I lose money. 🙁

That’s the nice thing about drinks with Tetra Pak  cartons!

Not only do they not need to be refrigerated, but they’re easy to open (thank you from moms everywhere), they are recyclable, and the packaging preserves the taste and nutrients without the need for added preservatives.

Free Scrabble Tiles

free Printable Scrabble Tiles

About The Typical Mom

Justine is the creative mind behind The Typical Mom and The Typical Family on YouTube. She began blogging about easy recipes, budget friendly activities for kids, and fun family travel destinations in September 2012.

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  1. very well game it is a legendary game when I was a kid one of my favs. Now I have a own website games a lot of information

  2. What a fun idea! It’s a step up from lunch box notes for older kids 🙂 I always wondered how those cartons of milk worked!