Here’s Box Tops for Education forms and information you’ll need and where you can find Box Tops too if you’re the coordinator or parent in charge.

Box Tops for Education information. Here are the forms you need, instructions, benefits, and where you can find Box Tops too.
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Do you participate in the Box Tops for Education program?? It’s such an incredible one! If you are a coordinator for your child’s School, a Teacher, or just a parent wondering about how the Box Tops program works let me explain it to you and give you the information you need. Special thanks goes out to General Mills® for sponsoring this post so I could share this helpful information with you. (originally published 8/15)

Box Tops for Education Program

There are TONS of products that participate in this great program that earns money for your child’s School. Each little rectangle you see here is worth $.10 to the School….you wouldn’t want to throw that away now would you??!!

  • Cut these gems off the packages you’ve purchased from Sam’s Club and/or your local grocery store and send them in with your child to give to the designated Box Top coordinator (if you don’t know who it is it is usually just safe to drop them off at the front office).
    • This is what we created to drop our Box Tops into until it’s somewhat full (or they ask for them to be turned in), that way they don’t get lost. 😉
  • Make sure you cut the jagged edges off
  • Do not cut off the date on your Box Tops or they are invalid
box tops information

If your child’s school doesn’t have a Box Tops program you might think about suggesting it in a PTA meeting and sign up to be a Box Tops volunteer to do the work at least for the first year so they see how much free money they can make for educational supplies or equipment.

I was the point of contact and coordinator at my children’s School last year and found all the rules and regulations on how to bag them, clip them correctly, and the address to submit them to that you might need as well.

Where to find Box Tops for Education

  1. On the top of cereal boxes (not all participate but you can quickly see which ones do because they are right on top)
  2. On top of granola bar boxes
  3. Under Kleenex tissue boxes
  4. On the side of some frozen foods (mainly breakfast items)
  5. On the side of Lysol and Finish cleaning products
  6. On the package of Scott paper towels and toilet paper
  7. On the side of some snack bags like Chex Mix
  8. You can see an entire list of Box Tops products here
box tops for education

Box Tops for Education coordinator or parent volunteer

  • Count out your Box Tops and put 100 in each ziploc bag
  • Make sure they are cut into squares and no frayed edges
  • Ensure all dates are still on each one or they won’t count
  • Here is a link to sign up as a coordination and get the Box Tops for Education information and forms regarding redemption for you, fill it out accurately
  • Put everything in a large envelope or box and send it in
  • Take a photo of your tracking #
  • Make note that there are only 2 dates each year for submissions

It has fun forms to send home so children can collect them on a collection sheet and all the do’s and don’t so you get every cent accounted for when submitting them for your School.

box tops for education forms

Box Tops for Education General Mills

NOW…..let me tell you how you can earn even MORE Box Tops for your child’s School!!

Sam’s Club has a great program, and tons of products that participate, where you can send Box Top points to a designated School right online thru their website! Seriously!! All you have to do is purchase 3 or more participating products, here’s a list of many you can find there.

Why do people collect Box Tops

It’s a great free way to earn money for schools, this is how you do it.

Just go to the Sam’s Club Box Tops link (at, grab the receipt from your purchase(s), snap a picture of it showing the date, UPC codes, and total purchase amount and email it to

 box tops program

They will email you back with a unique code that you will enter into their Box Tops site = MORE money for your child’s School! Here’s ours (ignore the busy Mommy desk in the background)….it was really easy to do. 😉

Sams Club Box Tops

SO…..when you are headed to Sam’s Club for Back to School shopping, grocery purchases, and things to make their lunches make sure to keep an eye out for those rectangular money makers, Box Tops, on all of your favorite items. Don’t forget to keep your receipt because it’s worth money to Schools.

Over 80,000 K-8 Box Top Schools out there! If you’re not sure if your child’s School participates just ask.

If they don’t, maybe you could be the coordinator. It’s not hard, and you’ll feel great about donating a bit of your time so the School can earn money for much needed, and fun, items they need. 😉

Here are some other best school fundraisers you can do along with this one.

About Justine

Justine is the creative mind behind The Typical Mom and The Typical Family on YouTube. She began blogging about easy recipes, budget friendly activities for kids, and fun family travel destinations in September 2012.

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